Financial Highlights

Operating Income
Profit for the Period Attributable to Owners of Parent

Consolidated Automobile Sales by Region

- *
- Automobile sales of SUBARU CORPORATION and its consolidated subsidiaries
Consolidated Automobile Sales by Model

- *1
- Automobile sales of SUBARU CORPORATION and its consolidated subsidiaries
- *2
- Legacy sales figures include Outback sales.
- *3
- Impreza sales figures include SUBARU XV and Crosstrek sales.
Business Segments and Scope of Consolidation
The SUBARU Group consists of three business segments: the core Automotive Business Unit, the Aerospace Company, and Other Businesses consisting of businesses that do not belong to either of the other two segments. In the fiscal year ended March 31, 2024 (April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024), SUBARU CORPORATION, 73 subsidiaries, and 10 equity-method affiliated companies were included in the scope of consolidation.