Latest Results and Forecast
Consolidated Financial Results
for the Nine Months of FYE2025
(April 1, 2024 to December 31, 2024)
Announced on February 7, 2025
(100 Millions of yen)
FYE2024 Nine Months Results |
FYE2025 Nine Months Results |
Change | % | ||
Revenue | 34,964 | 35,363 | 399 | 1.1% | |
Operating profit | 3,710 | 3,692 | −18 | −0.5% | |
Profit before tax | 4,162 | 4,260 | 98 | 2.4% | |
Profit for the period attributable to owners of parent |
2,989 | 3,174 | 185 | 6.2% | |
Consolidated unit sales (1,000 units) |
736 | 707 | −28 | −3.8% | |
Overseas | 660 | 632 | −29 | −4.3% | |
Japan | 75 | 75 | 0 | 0.5% | |
SUBARU exchange rate | ¥143/US$ ¥153/EURO |
¥152/US$ ¥163/EURO |
Consolidated unit sales in Japan showed a steady performance, driven mainly by passenger vehicles including the Forester, increasing by 0.5% to 75,000 units. While retail sales in the key U.S. market increased year-on-year for the twenty-ninth consecutive month through December 2024, consolidated overseas unit sales, which primarily consist of wholesale sales by consolidated distributors to local retailers, decreased by 4.3% to 632,000 units, reflecting adjusted shipment volumes in line with current sales trends and inventory levels in overseas markets.
Global consolidated unit sales declined by 3.8% to 707,000 units.
Accordingly, production in Japan decreased by 6.1% to 461,000 units, and overseas production declined by 0.6% to 264,000 units, resulting in a 4.2% decrease in global production to 725,000 units.
Consolidated revenue increased by 1.1% to 3,536.3 billion yen, as factors such as favorable exchange rates and price revisions more than offset higher sales incentives due to a competitive environment in the overseas market and lower sales volume.
Due to the aforementioned factors impacting consolidated revenue, operating profit decreased by 0.5% to 369.2 billion yen, while profit before tax increased by 2.4% to 426.0 billion yen, and profit for the period attributable to owners of parent rose by 6.2% to 317.4 billion yen.
Consolidated Financial Results for the First Half of FYE2025 (April 1, 2024 to September 30, 2024)
(100 Millions of yen)
1st Half
1st Half
ResultsChange % Revenue 22,135 22,662 527 2.4% Operating profit 1,858 2,220 362 19.5% Profit before tax 2,265 2,210 −55 −2.4% Profit for the period attributable
to owners of parent1,509 1,630 121 8.0% Consolidated unit sales
(1,000 units)469 450 −20 −4.2% Overseas 424 400 −24 −5.8% Japan 45 50 5 10.6% SUBARU exchange rate ¥139/US$
¥164/EUROWhile overseas production showed steady growth, increasing 2.5% to 177,000 units, domestic production fell 7.1% to 298,000 units due to factors including production adjustments at the beginning of the fiscal year. As a result, global production decreased 3.7% to 475,000 units.
In terms of consolidated unit sales, Japan showed strong performance, increasing 10.6%, driven primarily by sales of passenger vehicles, including the Levorg series with the Layback.
In the key U.S. market, retail sales posted the twenty-sixth consecutive month of increases through September 2024; however, due to the aforementioned production adjustment impacts, overseas consolidated sales decreased 5.8%.
As a result, global consolidated unit sales fell 4.2% to 450,000 units.
Consolidated revenue increased by 2.4% to 2,266.2 billion yen, as factors such as favorable exchange rates and price revisions more than offset higher sales incentives caused by a competitive environment in overseas market and lower sales volume.
Due to the same factors impacting consolidated revenue, operating profit increased 19.5% to 222.0 billion yen, profit before tax decreased 2.4% to 221.0 billion yen, and profit for the period attributable to owners of parent increased 8.0% to 163.0 billion yen. -
Consolidated Financial Results for the First Quarter of FYE2025 (April 1, 2024 to June 30, 2024)
(100 Millions of yen)
ResultsChange % Revenue 10,821 10,921 100 0.9% Operating profit 845 911 67 7.9% Profit before tax 1,154 1,080 −73 −6.4% Profit for the period attributable
to owners of parent732 840 108 14.7% Consolidated unit sales
(1,000 units)236 212 −24 −10.2% Overseas 215 189 −26 −12.0% Japan 21 23 2 8.5% SUBARU exchange rate ¥135/US$
¥164/EUROWhile domestic production fell 10.5% to 143,000 units due to the impact related to the production shutdown that occurred at the end of the previous fiscal year, overseas production remained strong, increasing 15.0% to 96,000 units. As a result, global production was at the previous year's level with a slight decrease of 1.7% to 239,000 units.
Global unit sales fell 10.2% to 212,000 units as lower domestic production affected shipments to various markets.
Consolidated revenue rose 0.9% to 1,092.1 billion yen due to the positive impact of foreign exchange rates and other factors.
With factors such as the effects of foreign exchange rates more than offsetting the decrease in unit sales and an increase in SG&A expenses, operating profit rose 7.9% to 91.1 billion yen, profit before tax decreased 6.4% to 108.0 billion yen, and profit for the period attributable to owners of parent increased 14.7% to 84.0 billion yen. -
Consolidated Financial Results for FYE2024 (April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024)
(100 Millions of yen)
Full Year
Full Year
ResultsChange % Revenue 37,745 47,029 9,285 24.6% Operating profit 2,675 4,682 2,007 75.0% Profit before tax 2,784 5,326 2,542 91.3% Profit for the period attributable
to owners of parent2,004 3,851 1,847 92.1% Consolidated unit sales
(1,000 units)852 976 124 14.5% Overseas 753 878 125 16.6% Japan 100 99 −1 −0.8% SUBARU exchange rate ¥135/US$
¥154/EURODespite continued parts supply constraints, particularly for semiconductors, and logistical challenges, the impact was minimized through various initiatives, including flexible adjustment of production plans. As a result, global production increased 10.9% to 970,000 units.
Production in Japan rose 4.7% to 602,000 units, while production in the U.S. grew 23.0% to 368,000 units.
As a result of the production increase, global unit sales rose 14.5% to 976,000 units, led by steady sales in the key North American market.
Consolidated revenue rose 24.6% to 4,702.9 billion yen, due to factors including the increase in sales volume and the positive impact of foreign exchange rates.
As factors such as increased sales volume and the positive impact of foreign exchange rates more than offset the increase in SG&A expenses, operating profit rose 75.0% to 468.2 billion yen, profit before tax grew 91.3% to 532.6 billion yen, and profit for the period attributable to owners of parent increased 92.1% to 385.1 billion yen.
Forecast of Consolidated Results for FYE2025
(April 1,2024 to March 31,2025)
Announced on February 7, 2025
(100 Millions of yen)
FYE2024 Full Year Results |
FYE2025 Full Year Forecast |
Change | % | ||
Revenue | 47,029 | 47,600 | 571 | 1.2% | |
Operating profit | 4,682 | 4,300 | −382 | −8.2% | |
Profit before tax | 5,326 | 4,800 | −526 | −9.9% | |
Profit for the period attributable to owners of parent |
3,851 | 3,300 | −551 | −14.3% | |
Consolidated unit sales (1,000 units) |
976 | 950 | −26 | −2.7% | |
Overseas | 878 | 838 | −40 | −4.5% | |
Japan | 99 | 112 | 14 | 13.7% | |
SUBARU exchange rate | ¥144/US$ ¥154/EURO |
¥153/US$ ¥164/EURO |
The production and unit sales forecasts remain unchanged from the previous announcement as current unit sales are generally in line with the plan. On the other hand, the full-year consolidated financial forecasts have been revised upward to reflect factors including the impact of the weaker yen, with revenue projected at 4,760 billion yen, operating profit at 430 billion yen, profit before tax at 480 billion yen, and profit for the year attributable to owners of parent at 330 billion yen. The latest forecasts for FYE 2025 are based on exchange rate assumptions of 153 yen to the U.S. dollar and 164 yen to the euro.
*Previous forecast for FYE 2025 (Announced on November 1, 2024):
- Revenue: 4,720 billion yen
- Operating profit: 400 billion yen
- Profit before tax: 420 billion yen
- Profit for the period attributable to owners of parent: 300 billion yen
Currency rate assumptions: 149 yen/US$, 162 yen/euro
Forecast of Consolidated Results for FYE2025 (*Announced on November 1, 2024)
(100 Millions of yen)
Full Year
Full Year
ForecastChange % Revenue 47,029 47,200 171 0.4% Operating profit 4,682 4,000 −682 −14.6% Profit before tax 5,326 4,200 −1,126 −21.1% Profit for the period attributable
to owners of parent3,851 3,000 −851 −22.1% Consolidated unit sales
(1,000 units)976 950 −26 −2.7% Overseas 878 838 −40 −4.5% Japan 99 112 13 13.6% SUBARU exchange rate ¥144/US$
¥162/EUROBased on recent sales trends and inventory levels in overseas markets, the Company is revising its initial production forecast announced on May 13, 2024, downward by 10,000 units to 950,000 units. Similarly, the consolidated unit sales forecast has been reduced by 30,000 units to 950,000 units.
On the other hand, the revenue and profit forecasts for the full year remain unchanged from the initial announcement*, incorporating factors such as controlling the increasing trend of sales incentives to industry-low levels and the effect of yen depreciation, with consolidated revenue expected to be 4,720 billion yen and operating profit 400 billion yen.
The latest forecasts for FYE 2025 are based on exchange rate assumptions of 149 yen to the U.S. dollar and 162 yen to the euro.*Initial forecast for FYE 2025 (Announced on May 13, 2024):
- Revenue: 4,720 billion yen
- Operating profit: 400 billion yen
- Profit before tax: 420 billion yen
- Profit for the period attributable to owners of parent: 300 billion yen
Currency rate assumptions: 142 yen/US$, 153 yen/euro
Forecast of Consolidated Results for FYE2025 (*Announced on May 13, 2024)
(100 Millions of yen)
Full Year
Full Year
ForecastChange % Revenue 47,029 47,200 171 0.4% Operating profit 4,682 4,000 −682 −14.6% Profit before tax 5,326 4,200 −1,126 −21.1% Profit for the period attributable
to owners of parent3,851 3,000 −851 −22.1% Consolidated unit sales
(1,000 units)976 980 4 0.4% Overseas 878 872 −6 −0.6% Japan 99 108 9 9.4% SUBARU exchange rate ¥144/US$
¥153/EUROThe forecast for the full fiscal year of FYE 2025 remains unchanged from the previous announcement made on May 13, 2024.
Forecast for FYE 2025 (Announced on May 13, 2024):
- Revenue: 4,720 billion yen
- Operating profit: 400 billion yen
- Profit before tax: 420 billion yen
- Profit for the period attributable to owners of parent: 300 billion yen
Currency rate assumptions: 142 yen/US$, 153 yen/euro