Disclosure Policy
Disclosure Policy
We disclose our information to the public on this website according to this disclosure policy.
1. Basic policy
We have established this disclosure policy to further increase trust from stakeholders, starting with shareholders and investors. Through constructive dialogue with stakeholders, we strive to increase corporate value in a sustained manner. In addition, we are committed to fair disclosure and, along with disclosures based on the Companies Act, Financial Instruments and Exchange Act and other laws and ordinances (hereinafter, “laws and ordinances”), we make timely and appropriate disclosure of company information on management strategy, business activities and other matters that is useful for the making of investment decisions by shareholders and investors.
2. Disclosure standards
Our disclosure is made in conformity with laws and ordinances and the regulations relating to timely disclosure (hereinafter, the “Timely Disclosure Regulations”) laid down by the Tokyo Stock Exchange (hereinafter, “TSE”). Even with regard to information that does not require disclosure under laws and ordinances or the Timely Disclosure Regulations, we positively and fairly disclose information judged to be useful for the making of investment decisions by shareholders and investors.
3. Information disclosure method
We disclose information required to be disclosed under the Timely Disclosure Regulations and information judged to be useful for the making of investment decisions by shareholders and investors through the timely-disclosed information dissemination system (hereinafter, “TDnet”) provided by the TSE, and the aforesaid disclosed information and certain analogous information is posted promptly on our website. In addition, if information is required to be disclosed under laws and ordinances, the required disclosure is made in accordance with the provisions thereof. When disclosing other information we endeavor to ensure that timely and accurate information is disclosed fairly through our website and through the media and other such channels.
4. Disclosure system and procedures
- At our company, General manager of Investor Relations Department is the person responsible for information handling, and under the general manager, the Investor Relations Department is the department responsible for disclosure to TSE; the department makes notifications related to timely disclosure.
- With regard to the disclosure of important company information, based on company-wide rules for disclosure of company information, departments and offices responsible for considering disclosure, which consist of the Corporate Planning Division, Secretarial Office, Finance & Accounting Department, Corporate Communications Department, Investor Relations Department, Legal Department and other necessary departments and offices, consider the necessity of disclosing the information and the timing and method, etc. of its announcement in accordance with laws and ordinances and the Timely Disclosure Rules.
- Important company information that consists of decisions made by the company is immediately disclosed after a resolution or decision by the Board of Directors or another body that effectively makes decisions on the company's business execution.
- Important company information that consists of events occurring due to external factors is immediately disclosed after we acknowledge their occurrence.
- After making disclosures, the disclosed information and certain analogous information is posted on our website in accordance with the item 3. above.
- Even information for which disclosure is not required under laws and ordinances and Timely Disclosure Rules is disclosed in accordance with procedures (2) to (5) above when it is judged that disclosure in accordance with the item 2. above would be useful for the making of investment decisions by shareholders and investors.
Timely Disclosure System Diagram

5. Quiet period
In order to prevent any information affecting our stock price from being divulged during the preparation period for our earnings announcements, thereby ensuring the fairness of our information disclosure, we designate the period from the day immediately following the final day of each accounting period to the day of the relevant earnings announcement as a “quiet period” during which we refrain from making comments on the financial results or responding to related inquiries. However, in the event that information that falls into the category of information required to be disclosed under laws and ordinances or the Timely Disclosure Regulations emerges during a quiet period, for example if a forecast projects that our results will differ substantially from the forecasts that we have already announced, we will make an appropriate announcement based on the said laws and ordinances or the Timely Disclosure Regulations.
6. Future forecasts
Forecasts we announce related to future results, etc. are judgments made under a certain set of assumptions based on information available at the time of their disclosure. Accordingly, actual results, etc. may differ from forecasts due to changes in economic conditions surrounding the company, demand, foreign exchange rates, or other factors.
When searching this website for information on our company, please read carefully not only this “Disclosure Policy” but also the “Disclaimer”.