Subaru Corporation Announces Organizational Changes
(Effective April 1, 2019)
Tokyo, March 1, 2019 – Subaru Corporation announces the following organizational changes which will take effect on April 1, 2019.
< Changes and purposes >
1. Reinforcement of Internal Controls and Governance
To enhance the effectiveness of internal controls and risk management by consolidating and abolishing organizations and clarifying reporting lines.
< Establishment of Risk Management & Compliance Office >
The Compliance Office will be reorganized to form the Risk Management & Compliance Office.
In addition to the function of strengthening the company’s efforts to comply with laws and regulations, this office will take on the roles of planning and implementing group-wide internal controls and risk management.
< Establishment of Sustainability Promotion Department >
The CSR & Environment Department will be reorganized to form the Sustainability Promotion Department.
In addition to the function of promoting CSR and environmental efforts, this department will take on the roles of planning and implementing group-wide activities from an ESG perspective.
Together with the General Administration Department, the Group Company Management Department, the Legal Department, and the Internal Audit Department, these two new units will form a Risk Management Group overseen by the Chief Risk Management Officer (CRMO)*. (*Newly established position)
2. Acceleration of Management Strategy Planning and Implementation
To facilitate responses to future changes in the market environment and enable management strategy to more promptly reflect product and market initiatives, including those to address environmental challenges.
< Establishment of Corporate Planning Division >
The Corporate Planning Division will be established, and the Corporate Planning Department, Market Strategy Department (newly established), and Logistics Management Department (newly established) will belong to this Division.
< Establishment of Market Strategy Department >
The Global Marketing Division will be dissolved, and its tasks and functions relating to the product portfolio, market research and analysis, and the Subaru brand will be transferred to this department.
The new department will plan and implement brand, product, and market strategies under the Corporate Planning Division.
< Establishment of Logistics Management Department >
The Business Planning Department will be dissolved, and its logistics-related tasks will be transferred to this department.
The new department will plan, implement, and coordinate group-wide logistics strategy under the Corporate Planning Division.
3. Enhancement of Corporate Disclosure Function
To facilitate constructive engagement with shareholders and investors, with the goal of achieving sustainable growth of the company and increasing corporate value over the medium- to long-term.
< Establishment of Investor Relations Department >
Investor relations functions in the Corporate Communications Department and shareholder relations functions in the General Administration Department will be consolidated under the newly established Investor Relations Department.
4. Other
< Termination of “Tadashii-Kaisha” Promotion Department >
The “Tadashii-Kaisha” Promotion Department will be terminated, and its function will be incorporated in the Corporate Planning Department.
< Termination of Subaru Next Story Promotion Office >
The Subaru Next Story Promotion Office will be terminated, and its function will be incorporated in the Japan Sales & Marketing Division.
< Organization effective April 1, 2019 >
