2012 Corporate Social Responsibility Report
2012 Social and Environmental Report(Download all pages)
Balancing human activity with protecting the environment is what we seek.

2012 CSR Report
Full-Fledged Report the Web (72pages)PDF/8.6MB2012 Social and Environmental Report
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Cover / Editorial Policy
- 【Cover】
- 【Editorial Policy】
- 【Contents】
- 【Top Message】
- 【About Fuji Heavy Industries Group】
Feature Article
- 【For the Achievement of "Motion-V"】
Feature Article 1
【Making/Delivering Automobiles to Customers】
Dialogue : Manufacturing Automobiles That Realizes "Fun to Drive"
Design and Development : Making Safe and Enjoyable Driving Compatible with Excellent Environmental Performance
Manufacturing : Steady Measures Taken to Manufacture Highly Reliable Automobiles
Sales : Communicating Our Commitment to "Enjoyment and Peace of Mind" through Dealers Who Directly Contact Customers
Feature Article 2
【What We Want to Communicate to Children through Automobile Design and Manufacturing】
Subaru's efforts to support the next-generation development and career education
The Fuji Heavy Industries Group's CSR
- What SUBARU Wants to Be (Mid-Term Management Plan)
- CSR policies
- The 8 CSR Action Items
- Relationship to Stakeholders
- CSR Promotion System
- Main Initiatives Implemented in FY2012 and Activities to Be Conducted in and after FY2013
Customer and Products
- 【Communication with Customers】
- 【Quality Management】
- 【Making Safe Vehicles】
- 【Approaches to welfare vehicles】
- 【Human Resource Development】
- 【Working System to Empower Every Employee】
- 【Communication with Labor Union】
- 【Promoting Healthy Bodies and Minds】
- 【Industrial Health and Safety】
- 【Message from the Chairman of the Environmental Committee】
- 【Environmental Management】
- 【Environmental Accounting (FHI Group's Results in FY2012)】
- 【Environmental Performance】
- 【Summary of the Activities Conducted in Line with the 4th Voluntary Plan for the Environment (FY2008 to FY2012)】
- 【The 5th Voluntary Plans for the Environment (FY2013 to FY2017) Summary】
- 【Clean Products】
- 【Clean Plants and Offices】
- 【Green Logistics】
- 【Clean Sales and Services】
- 【Automobile Recycling】
- 【Environmental Activities of Overseas subsidiary Companies】
- 【Compliance with Legal Regulations】
- 【Compliance System and Administration】
- 【Personal Information Protection】
Disclosure of Information
- 【Information Disclosure to Shareholders and Investors】
- 【Communications with Customers and Local Community Members】
【Establishing Mutually Beneficial Relationships with Business Partners】
Social Contribution
- 【Social Contribution Policy】
- 【Support for Recovery from the Great East Japan Earthquake】
- 【Development of Automobile Culture and Road Safety】
- 【Making Things, Fostering Human Resources】
- 【Social Contribution in the Local Area】
- 【Support of Volunteer Activities】
- 【Overseas Approaches】
Corporate Governance
- 【System of Corporate Governance】
- 【Establishment of Internal Control System】
- 【Risk Management】
Site Report
【Gunma Manufacturing Division】
【Utsunomiya Manufacturing Division】
【Saitama Manufacturing Division】
【Tokyo Office】