The balance sheet shows total assets as of the end of June 2011 increasing by 71.4 billion yen year on year to total 1,259.7 billion yen. This jump includes an increase in cash and cash equivalents acquired through long-term loans as well as a gain on the sale of the Subaru Building. The loans were taken out to secure sufficient cash on hand needed to provide post-quake support to our subsidiaries.
Interest-bearing debts rose 65.9 billion yen to reach 396.5 billion yen. This surge is due to the increase in loans payable despite the redemption of corporate bonds amounting to 20.0 billion yen this past April. We plan to bring debt down to 370.0 billion yen by the end of the fiscal year ending in March 2012.
Our debt-to-equity ratio dropped 0.10 points to reach 0.91 due to increased loans.
Net assets totaled 439.0 billion yen, up 25.1 billion yen, due primarily to a 25.0 billion yen increase in retained earnings.
The shareholders’ equity to total assets ratio remained at a steady 34.7% since the end of the previous fiscal year.